2014 Nissan Frontier

  • 2014 Nissan Frontier

    Nissan Frontier
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • Flush your vehicle's entire cooing system. Restore coolant and necessary additives. Install special conditioners to protect your car's cooling system. Recommended service interval: Every 2 years or 30,000 miles.
    • Lubricate and check chassis. Change oil and oil filter. Check air filter and breather filter. Check all fluid levels, belts, hoses, and tire pressures.
    • Safety Check – Identify items that might need maintenance such as air filters, brakes, transmission, etc…
    • WHEELS (ALL) – Rotate – [Includes: Adjust Tire air pressure and torque Wheels to factory specifications.]
    Gene B. gave our service a 5 star review on 3/12/2021


Dwain's Automotive Of Edmond
105 W 3rd St
Edmond, OK73003-5537
(405) 341-5612

We Service